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A detailed insight of a conversion path within a DataCleanse


In this post, we’d like to cover what a conversion path is, and how they can be used in today’s marketing.

Modern marketing strategies largely take place digitally. With detailed analytics and agile marketing plans, you can fine-tune your buyer’s journey so it is optimised for your ideal customer, in order to give them the best possible experience (and increase brand awareness).

Market research shows that in various stages of the buyer’s journey, you want to give them a little push to take the desired action and move them to the next stage of the journey. Cold leads become warm leads, warm leads become customers, and customers become your brand supporters and returning customers.


Let’s say you are targeting your existing customers who bought one of your products or services, to try and sell your product again or increase their interest in another one of your products.

Since they are already in your database, you would quite possibly contact them via an EDM campaign as part of your multi-channel funnel.

The EDM would be personalised, it would give an overview of the product and probably offer some kind of incentive to click through to a landing page. This could be a discount code or entering into a draw to win a prize or access some relevant free resources created by your company.

On the landing page, you can either prompt the prospective customer to sign up for more details or to go ahead and purchase the product now. This really depends on your specific goals at the time.

The whole idea is to lead your prospective customer through certain actions, converting them to the next stage in their journey. We design these actions to meet your desired outcome specifically. Therefore they’re controlled by you.


How to tie your conversion path together with a data cleanse?


As we covered in our post about Data Cleanse, we approach the task of cleaning data slightly differently from other companies. Data cleaning is the process of updating your database to make sure your information is as accurate as possible.

Just like the above example of a potential conversion path, our Data Cleanse too is an EDM campaign.

You can tie the two together and achieve multiple goals at once.

Let’s take the same example from the above paragraph. Your target audience is the same and your main goal is the same, but with the element of data cleaning also tied into your campaign.


All the steps of a data cleanse campaign.


The first step is to send out the eDM email to the selected segment of your database. 

It usually has the incentive (conversion path) in the header, which can be something like: 

“Update your details to go in the draw to win our new product”


“Update your details to receive a special discount code for our new product series”

In the body of the email, it shows which details they would need to update. Sensitive information such as date of birth is never used for security reasons. The email will also contain a “Confirm” and “Update Your Details” link.

In terms of different messaging for different segments, we can do variations of the EDM messaging to target each segment in the most optimised way.


Next –

When they click the “Update Your Details”, a unique landing page will be created. It will be populated with the existing data fields that they can then update. The Header will continue with the incentive related messaging, leading them towards the next step.


Finally –

They submit their updated details and move forward to the “Thank You” page. This action either generates a discount code or includes them in the draw to win the prize. The customers who click the “Confirm” button in the email will be taken straight to this page.

The “thank you” page doesn’t necessarily have to be the last step. You can also add in additional steps for your campaign. Whether it is to prompt the customer to follow you on social media or collect a different data set or types of data. This can be done by adding some additional tick-box or drop-down questions, or a whole form as an additional step. This usually requires an additional initiative, as you are asking for more of your prospect’s time. 


At the end of the campaign, we will provide you with your database in a file, ready to import back into your system.


Update your Database with various marketing campaigns.


The above was just one example of how a conversion path could be used in a DataCleanse. The structure is always the same, but how you want to apply it and your campaign goal is completely up to you. 

If you think your data might be out of date (and it always is), and you want to improve your data quality – feel free to get in touch with our team and we would be happy to help you out with your business plan.

DataCleanse is a product of MMR. We are a full-service agency with expertise in design, marketing, digital, etc. If there is anything else we can help you with, feel free to get in touch.

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